Even though I spent a couple of percent of my test capital on testnet to ensure everything was working, I was still up 7.5% after a couple of days.
I'll start low and work my way up, probably to around 18x leverage on 20% of my capital. That means liquidation will happen 8-9 times per year on average, where I will instantly loose 20% of my money. But it will still be worth it. After 6-12 months of that I'll have enough capital to play with the big boys.
Now I'll launch the live version... Aha, some new API keys required for futures trading... fixed that. So now it's launched! Took me ten minutes to fix the keys and check that everything looks ok. I expect to run with safe parameters (5x, 5%) overnight. I'm in a rush to get this not-being-super-rich business over with. :)
Ventures of an ex indie game developer