Ventures of an ex indie game developer


I've been a bit lazy lately with this blog, but here's the basic idea of the next game anyhoo:

Over the last couple of weeks I've spent horrible amount of hours on trying to get the projection of UVs for the texture right, so that I could have shadow volumes on the ground. It was a lot more complicated than I first thought. Eventually I settled with a fixed width/height ratio (4/3 for iPad), I wasn't able to pull it off with a 4/3 texture in any sensible way. As you see I couldn't get the uvst algorithm right, neither with quads nor with triangles (I suspect OpenGL uses the same algorithm for both). And it was pretty difficult to model the ground in Maya. Must be crazy doing all this work for a bunch of horribly CPU-intensive shadows. Anyhoo. Now it kinda works and looks like shit. Remains to create some levels I guess. And launch.

I'll probably go with the (infinitely stupid) free+in-app purchase model, mostly because the game won't be good enough for anything else. Next game I'll make a real good one, seven being my lucky number n all.

About the author

Mitt foto
Gothenburg, Sweden