Ventures of an ex indie game developer

Coronary Intervention

What a trip! That's what I call well rested.. or not. Sometimes life gets in the way, I guess. So haven't done any coding on my project lately, but this is what happened instead:
  • I've made new editions of my C++ books (for teching high school students),
  • I've been fired from my job,
  • We've helped renovate our place,
  • Tessan's father (i.e. my father-in-law) got a relapse of his myeloma,
  • Tessan's uncle got cancer in his throat,
  • Tessan's other uncle had half thier house burned down.

All in all a fantastic month - life is good again! :)

I'll actually spend a week to get things in place at home (the living-room is still filled with clothes that need to go into the closets when they've been completely rebuilt). But then! Then! I'll get to work with my linear algebra in transforming Maya's .ma files into something I can use in my game. Oh, glorious future where the grass is greener and the coronary interventions are but bleak memories!

About the author

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Gothenburg, Sweden