Never thought I'd have such difficulties with my rusty linear algebra and reverse-engineering the Maya .ma format. Devil's truely in the details. Unfortunately I need a break, both for my own sake, but also for my family and also for the sake of the book publisher I promised some new material.
But I can't stop thinking about the problem at hand. If you've done something intensely for a long time, you know what I'm talking about. My brain is treating me as bad as any scientist's by over and over repeating but-if-you-tried-this' and maybe-this-would-do-the-trick's. It also always makes me almost physically ill when having to take a break before the job's done; especially since I feeel like I'm so close to the biggest milestone in the project so far.
On the plus side, though, I'm going to be well rested soon! Ahhh... :)
Ventures of an ex indie game developer