Ventures of an ex indie game developer

Bot trading with Serum

Serum/Tether futures seem like a promising asset to get some starting capital for the high risk bot. Seemingly sound tech too. Twerk (my algo) is up 20% in 20 hours, although price of the asset only has gone up 5% and back down again in that time period.

SRMUSDT wallet growth over the last 20 hours.

We'll see how well it fares in a few weeks. I should set a target when I start reducing risk and testing how big I can go in this tiny currency with my dumb bot. Hmm. Probably already when I've 5x'd I need to slow down. As for now, growth looks pretty smooth though. I'll reach 5x with the current pace in ten days. (Six days if I go all in on 18x leverage, but then I'll probably need to slow down even earlier.)

At the point of 5x'ing my wallet, I figured I'd go back to long-term ETH. But now that I think about it, I could go down in leverage on SRM from my current 10 times to eventually 1:1 and keep on going until I 50x. That would be a lot faster than the much longer term ETH, which is 145 days on average to 10x. So... so the average leverage would be 10? Anyway I'll use the geometric mean as an approximation. That gets me 26 days. With me constantly closing my positions and reducing my leverage. Even if the average leverage would the the fourth root of 10 and the real results are ten times worse (annually), it's doable in 50 days.

That'd be nice! Getting back what I lost in my previous gambles. That's how the whales do it, right?

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Gothenburg, Sweden