Ventures of an ex indie game developer

finplot popularity

pypi store download statistics in Google's BigQuery. Seeing how many people download a package could work as an estimate of the popularity of a package. So how does finplot stack up to mplfinance? Let's check. Here's the data I downloaded for a few months back:

month finplot mplfinance
2020-02-01 912 4178
2020-03-01 1388 7883
2020-04-01 2341 9641
2020-05-01 2817 15191
2020-06-01 1404 17842
2020-07-01 1822 21510
2020-08-01 1817 15208
2020-09-01 3239 9701
2020-10-01 765 4034

To plot the data you first want to chuck it into a table of sorts, preferably with dates ready to go. Pandas to the rescue:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[912, 4178], [1388, 7883], [2341, 9641], [2817, 15191], [1404, 17842], [1822, 21510], [1817, 15208], [3239, 9701], [765, 4034]], columns=['finplot', 'mplfinance'])
df.index = pd.to_datetime(['2020-02-01', '2020-03-01', '2020-04-01', '2020-05-01', '2020-06-01', '2020-07-01', '2020-08-01', '2020-09-01', '2020-10-01'])

Ok, let's plot. In finplot. Note that I use log scale here.

import finplot as fplt
fplt.create_plot('finplot & mplfinance popularity', yscale='log')
fplt.plot(df['finplot'], legend='finplot')
fplt.plot(df['mplfinance'], legend='mplfinance')

Some of this, I'm sure, is driven by systems automatically downloading new packages.

But I put zero finplot updates out on pypi in February, June, August and October. This will be interesting to follow. Perhaps it's even possible to make some money off of this?

About the author

Mitt foto
Gothenburg, Sweden