This is the first high volatility turning-point my bot has gone through. It's not doing badly, but the high risk, high return takes its toll on me. And although it's doing good, it's not as good as it could. Here is the last few days' fluctuations in my funds:
So the green stuff is the good stuff. I could do without the red stuff. And the overall gains could be better (+18% is a wee bit weak considering the fluctuations).
But could I have the cake and eat it with my current algorithm? Possibly so. A few minutes looking at charts and tinkering with my trading and optimization algorithms have led me to belive I could do better in both smaller and bigger fluctuations. Key seems to be more and smaller orders, as well as lower progression for larger spikes. My backtesting optimization is in full swing now, I'll know more in a day or two.
Ventures of an ex indie game developer