Got an epiphany this morning. I've become something of a religious mystic last couple of years. If you remove the religious dogma and the unresearched mysticism. So have been thinking a lot about meaning of life and what comes next etc. Haven't spent much thought about the physical life for us humans though.
If you're going to follow me on my trail of thoughts, you may need to jump a few hoops. Big jumps for some, but all have strong scientific evidence obtained via orthodox scientific methods. Bear with me with the first three even if you find the bullet hard to bite, I think it will be worth-while.
[1] So let's pretend psychic functioning is real.
[2] And survival of consciousness after bodily death is not superstition.
[3] And reincarnation is not a figment of vivid eastern imagination.
[4] And autism is on the rise. Note the log scale.
[5] Burnouts are on the rise. An unsubstantiated number I've heard is that 200 people out of the 1M employed in school and healthcare in Sweden burn out every day. Even half of 0.2‰ is an enormous number.
[6] Manual labor is moving over to robots, and even if not totally replaced by autonomous systems, most jobs will eventually go away.
[7] Next month, November 2017, a totally revolutionary, green, cheap energy system will be unveiled.
Everybody agrees on the 4-6, at least in principle. 7 might be debatable, but at least we'll all know within a month. What might be the consequences for human evolution if 1-3 is true too?
Where does this lead?
Let's start with the burn outs. They're caused by high levels of stress, induced by unnatural working conditions, low level of control, constant high pressure to perform, abstract expectations of output, lack of faith in anything but a larger TV or shinier car. Let's also here note that one of the best methods of repairing a brain damaged by burn-out is meditation and yoga.
So number [7], the energy revolution. Free energy for everyone means air condition for the poorest affected by climate change. It means low living costs for us living in the cold. According to Einstein, E=mc2, so not only transports, but all material will be cheaper too. When combined with autonomous welding, painting, cutting, sewing, vacuuming, lawn mowing, driving, building, shipping and farming, we basically have free labor too. At first this will cause a push towards even more abstract jobs, causing still more burn-outs. More burn-outs, more meditation. However, within a couple of generations only service, care, schooling and engineering will be required of humans if we throw out the unnecessary meetings, processes and roles.
What then? What happens when most people don't have jobs? For one, economy as we know it will change fundamentally. But what about peoples minds? When we are not needed apart from reproducing ourselves, something -- deeply ingrained within us over the evolution of man -- breaks. We are built to work for our survival. Resting on our laurels a whole life-time would be nightmarish to most. A gigantic movement for "finding oneself" will take rise, with more meditation as a result.
Meditation boost psychic functioning. Autism is correlated to psychic functioning. Group psychic functioning is stronger than individual psychic functioning, and can even sooth the minds of hardened criminals today. If reincarnation is real, meditators will be reborn, autistics will be reborn, and a small part of their psychic functioning may follow into each next life, steadily increasing over time.
Eventually these psychics could be the new working-class, outnumbering the rest of us; and of course most grunt-work will be performed by robots. The psychics' jobs would be to help researchers by amplifying their experiences, such as clairvoyantly scanning the seas or jungles for new archaeological sites or uncatalogued animals; peeking into black holes or distant inhabited planets; using psychokinesis to suppress floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and meteoroids. Helping the police catch criminals is perhaps obvious (Minority Report come to mind). Healing sick, reducing pain. Sending love to the lonely. Accumulating wisdom from the past (and possibly future). Their jobs would consist of a tremendous amount of sitting still concentrating, which might seem exceptionally boring to us, but would at the same time be incredibly important. And let's not forget that the happiest people on the planet right now are meditating solitary monks.
This change in society could be as fast as 6-7 generations, but massive resistance from conservatives, religious dogma and feeble cultures and traditions may delay it somewhat, but at the latest this may be the natural evolution of man in no more than 15 generations.
To most westerners today this must seem like the ramblings of a junkie, since they are unaware of the strides of modern parapsychology since circa 1990. To half of those familiar with parapsychology, but believe [2] and [3] are not real, but only artifacts of wishful thinking combined with super-psi, this must seem like superstition. But to easterners and the few knowledgeable this might not be too far fetched. And may, in fact, be the only alternative to Wall-e's future.
Ventures of an ex indie game developer