Ok, so stock is dead, long live the crypto currency trading. From the looks of it BitCoin may well go up 4.8% a week, as it did overall in 2017 during the whole 2018 as well. Or possibly as much as 6.5% per week, as it's done last 6 months of 2017. Welcome to the frenzy!
I expected the other crypto currencies to be very small, and extremely volatile, which is just not true. Etherium is just 3 times smaller than BitCoin and BitCoin Cash is just half of that. Other notables are Dash, Lightcoin and Monero, which are also doing very well.
At first I'll just manually poke around while I twiddle my py-pandas scripts. These are the golden days of crypto currencies, and everything is just going up, up; so you'd frankly have to make an effort to do badly. The first decisive fractions of a BitCoin I bought was 11 days ago. Since then the price (or interest if you will) has gone up by 19.4%. Eh... sorry. 19.6%. If you extrapolate to a yearly basis (totally urealistic), it would correspond to a bank account with an interest of 34,000%.
The major banks are slowly getting in on the action, and soon the everyday workers will pitch in for some high-risk retirement savings. I think the nearest couple of months are going to be absolutely insane.
Ventures of an ex indie game developer