Andrea Rossi and his invention, the E-Cat, still seems to be on top, with the 1MW industrial-grade solution verified, all the while claiming that he's close to finalizing a consumer-grade product, E-Cat QX.
Some of the most interesting things for me, as an intrigued amateur, are some of the super-simple LENR experiments that have been published: Cold Fusion in the Pot, Parkhomov's E-cat replication, How to Make Cold Fusion, Free From Fuel. You can even order your own LENR start-kit for 300 USD.
I recently took a Tesla P100D test drive. The performance of a proper electric motor is no childs-play although it feels like sitting in a very high-performing roller-coaster. Here are some reactions to the less performant P85D:
Goes without saying, I was sold after my first Ludicrous Launch. The only thing remaining is that manufacturing the Tesla batteries are very bad for the environment. Hopefully LENR can remedy this in a few years.
One more thing is of the essence here (which often is claimed to be but rarely is). Terrorism. Put infinite energy in the hands of a terrorist and everything dies. I have no good solutions to that one. For me, as an amateur student of parapsychology, an interesting side-note is that the head of Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany came up with the crazy holocaust idea partially as a means of trying to avoid civilizations imploading. One-ness by eliminating others. Let's make sure history doesn't repeat itself. But let's also enjoy the ride. Now is a good time to be alive!