Gah! Had made an off-by-one error which made my "real" trade data invalid and overly optimistic. Bah! So in the last four days I re-tweaked and started measuring again. If the yield is at all positive, it will probably be a more step-wise gain than the smooth sailing I had anticipated when the bug was fogging my vision.
An hour ago I started working on the automated trade bit. Login first. To be able to log in on the trading site, they use RSA-encryption of the password in JavaScript (over https), so had to reverse engineer that a piece of code as I want Python, not JS. Js2Py to the rescue! It did the trick right out of the box on the minified, horrid encryption source, and was able to generate working Python code. Albeit really slow - it takes seven seconds to poke around with the public key and encrypt some data. Even though there's no need for speed here, I still feel the urge to do some optimization. Never could stand slow code.
Ventures of an ex indie game developer