As I mentioned before I'd intended to try LSD to broaden my mind, in hope to find some spiritual answers there.
Yesterday I tried DMT instead, which I had planned to avoid (before trying Ayahuasca), but eventually gave a shot after having a few beers. So yesterday I had my my first hallucinations (not counting that one time when I didn't eat any food and only drank alcohol four days straight in colleague). Smoking DMT brings you in and out of a high very quickly, everything's more or less over in 10 minutes. Mostly I saw strange patterns, but the feelings were amazing, especially the inexplicable sensations in the body. Or perhaps from the body. But apart from that nothing insightful on my first trip.
I was actually not disappointed though not much came out of it. It was fun, and that was enough for me. Nothing more could be expected as I'd had a few beers before smoking.
But. Today, totally unrelated to my DMT trip, I stumbled upon the last pieces of the puzzle to complete my book. I saw a 10-year old documentary on youtube that filled in my biggest knowledge gaps, especially on the more philosophical aspects of spirituality. Not only do I now have enough information to finish the book, but I also know how I should live my life. That's far too much to wrap up in a post, it will go into my book. Perhaps I'll translate it if it's any good.
Up until this evening I had come to the belief that spiritual things could not be known with logic, only by experience. I don't think that any more (possibly due to the DMT, but the direct effect should be long gone by now if bio-chemistry is to be trusted).
One pretty hopeful conclusion I just came to is that my book might be able to bridge the gap between traditional western science and spirituality better than most, as I'm fairly well versed in the former and have little dogmatic attachment to the latter.
There is dice being played in the Universe. Mm-mm!
Ventures of an ex indie game developer