Ventures of an ex indie game developer

Best. Quantum. Theory. Interpretation. Ever.

I lost interest in Quantum theory after hearing about how the "shut up and do the calculus"-version (the so-called "standard interpretation," which pretty much all scientists agree on) was prevalent in teaching and learning at Chalmers University of Technology. I've always found the topic fascinating, but trying to use reality-deficient calculus to explain something so complex only served to kill my curiosity.

Moreover I always thought the Multiverse Interpretation was bs, and while Schrödinger's cat might sound like fun it does very little to make the Copenhagen Interpretation real. But never thought I'd hear another reasonable explanation. That's why it came as an absolute surprise to find my favorite Youtube channel (on parapsychology) give an interview on layman's version of the Transactional Interpretation. The interpretation has been around for 30 years, but the killed curiosity never bothered to look. Interestingly may explain some experiments which the other versions do not, but more importantly it says something about time symmetry. A drug-induced thought of Terence McKenna's comes to mind, "time being a resonance, created by other times."

No matter your stance on PSI or drugs, this is a must-see if you have any interest in the topic what so ever. Have fun!

About the author

Mitt foto
Gothenburg, Sweden