Ventures of an ex indie game developer

Windows wins

Going back to using Windows, utilizing the free Windows 10 upgrade period which might close within one and a half months. My three month endevours with the Linux desktop has come to an end. I don't believe the desktop is dead, but the Linux ditto absolutely is.

Downloading Windows 10 over DSL is no small feat though. A couple of years back we were offered fibre installation for a fee of $1900. I didn't want it, and my main reason to not get it was that I wanted the family to stay offline more. Be more social, play more board games, be outdorsier. I'm not sure there's a correlation between bandwidth and behavior, and times like these I regret the decision. At least a little.

The first things I'll install are AutoHotkey, Git4Windows, Python3 and Chrome. It's not possible to power-use a Windows computer without 'em. Then Visual C++, Texts and Steam. No matter what the Linux nerds will have you believe, installation is still faster with Windows than Linux.

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Gothenburg, Sweden