Ventures of an ex indie game developer

Doom 1 E1M1 (hangar)

My Trabant Doom E1M1 remake came out at 236 were lines of code and 33 comments for a total of 294 lines including vertical spaces. The AI is 24 lines of fairly (hrm) readable code written in half an hour. The prototype itself is full of bugs and quirks but works as a prototype I guess.

Trabant itself has a few bugs which I need to fix. The polygons flying all over is some shadow residue from the light source I create for each explosion. The camera hiccups I'm not sure about, but it happens when a grenade is thrown, and it got a whole lot worse when I added AI shooting.

All in all: a fun experiment - this is the way to prototype!

About the author

Mitt foto
Gothenburg, Sweden