Ventures of an ex indie game developer

LENR postponed

Reproducing Parkhomov's reproduction was just another mad idea, and I couldn't find any friend who seemed interested enough to participate. But most of all I don't have time to realize this project at this time. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to get my PSI book done by Christmas. I've read over 60% of the books, but I'm going to pick up the pace.

Lately I've been playing a ton of Quake Live, pretty much every night. I find it extremely fun and addictive but I can't allow it to keep taking a big chunk out of my life for no rational reason. (Come to think about it my day-job steals a big part of my life, but at least it sustains my family's lifestyle. A lifestyle which, to at least some degree, is reasonable. In our country, in our culture, with our beliefs. In pretty much all other parts of the world it would be quirky at best and considered harmful or even hostile to some. Thus I should play Quake instead of working. Or work on my deductive skills.)

I'll start looking for printmakers which I can afford and survey for publishers. But a paraphrase of Groucho Marx's famous' is warranted: I can't publish with a publisher who'll have me. If they've released madness in the past, they're not for me. Certainly most of the people will think I'm delusional, and sane publishers who think I'm right will not want to get their hands dirty. The giggle factor is too great. So in all likelihood I'll publish myself.

Only one decision remains really, and that is the look of the illustrations. And whether or not to use humor in them. I can't stop thinking about this one from Jeff Atwood, so that style is probably what I'll aim for:

I doubt I could even come near to this quality as I've had no practice with illustrations in the past, and I'm far from artistic. Professional-grade craftsmanship takes 10k hours to evolve, as you know, and talent makes a huge difference. Only time will tell what kind of quality book I can produce, but I intend to do my very best. And to endure I'll probably have to develop my very own "Iron Egg Skill," a bit like this guy:

Good for you, bro! Good for you.

About the author

Mitt foto
Gothenburg, Sweden