Ventures of an ex indie game developer

Pet Sematary

The story of our house is more and more looking like a Stephen King novel. Last three days I've been crawling around under it, trying to fix frozen water pipes. In some places the space was just enough to squeeze into, but mostly resembled a coffin. I had Andy Warhol channelized through me to illustrate it:

There were also a couple of other things that were a few magnitudes worse, but our lawyer told us not to talk about it. And factually I'd rather not anyway.

The game development is slowly picking up pace again after the vocation and holidays, but most of the time is spent on the game engine instead of the game itself. There's just too much detail in building a whole game engine, the last few days I spent trying to fix problems that happen when the physics engine is overloaded on slow computers. I still haven't figured out how to fix the problem, just the symptoms (ODE yields stack overflow when a LCP solver function returns)... I don't think I'll regret making the engine, at least I learned it can't (easily) be done well. Learning it the hard way is better than not learning it at all I guess.

It's tiresome to never see any progress, even though I spend so much time on it so next up, I'll try to create some game features so at least I can see some progress.

About the author

Mitt foto
Gothenburg, Sweden