Went to Arbetsförmedlingen today. It struck me then, just like I guess it dawns on everyone who visits Arbetsförmedlingen; wow! Right now there must be hundreds of bewildered Google employees saying to one another “how did they come up with that vibrant corporate culture at Arbetsförmedlingen in the first place?” and “did they at some point decide to only hire fun/crazy people?”, and (of course) mostly it’s just hidden envy in the form “I could probably get a job there, but I choose not to”.
The only person that spring to mind as more mentally adept and socially vigorous than an arbetsförmedlare must be a former boss of mine; lets call him “Jimmy”. Not only is he effortlessly left handed, no, he also has a mysterious bouquet from his bodily cavities. Apart from that he fears the nasty gay people and makes a lot of funny jokes on women and what you could do with those (if you had a chance).
Another common denominator between Jimmy’s lovely appearance and the arbetsförmedlare I spoke to today is that they both wanted my service certificate for the time when I was employed by Jimmy. But Jimmy even wanted it so bad that he never gave it to me. Despite several reminders, calls and e-mails. True employer/employee love!
Often my thoughts of this kind tend to swing over to a more general branch: the one on corporate atmosphere. I’m more and more believing that hiring is the key to monetary success. With a competent, visionary boss and good people on the payroll, luck will find a way. If you add innovative projects and a friendly corporate attitude, you can be sure to have a fun ride there. (That’s surely the answer to why Arbetsförmedlingen is such a hit, and still going strong.)
Should I find myself disbelieving this recipe any time soon, I’ll just do like super-smart old left-handed Jimmy and tell jokes on women and what I could do with those (if I had a chance) as a savory foundation for a cozy company ambiance.
Or not.
Ventures of an ex indie game developer