Dear sir or madam,
I spent some time experimenting with a teensy bit of font rendering for the very first time in fifteen years. It was quite jolly, although I must admit that I find reaching the goal much funnier than seeking out the path leading there when programming graphics. It is quite hard to tell if that is a good thing or not, isn’t it?
Oh dear, look at me rambling on like this. It might have something to do with lack sleep. I had better try to fix that now with a bit of a nap before the kristet gräsänklingsdygn comes to an end. Fortunately, I shall have plenty of rest in a certain summer cabin in Vinberg this week, where I shall be socializing with a friend who has been living abroad the last ten years. Indeed, I am looking forward to it!
Count Jonte Muppet Waggadoo Kvarnstenson-Skrotum Jr.
Ventures of an ex indie game developer